Stamboom Löesink » Descendants of Everd Loesinck

Generation 7 (continuation)


Berendjen Leusink, daughter of Waander Lusink and Jenneken Reustermans, was born on September 24, 1827 in Laren. She got married on April 13, 1855 in Laren with Harmanus Nijland, son of Jan Willem Nijland and Hendrika Hagenbeek. He was born on February 16, 1819 in Vorden. He is dagloner / landbouwer by profession. Harmanus died at the age of 76 on February 26, 1895 in Laren.

They had 2 children:

Berendjen died at the age of 81 on April 14, 1909 in Laren.


Hendrik Jan Leussink, son of Waander Lusink and Jenneken Reustermans, was born on December 10, 1832 in Barchem / Lochem. He got married on October 28, 1865 in Ruurlo with Reindjen Dijkman, daughter of Steven Dijkman and Garritjen Nijen Es. She was born on March 23, 1842 in Ruurlo. Reindjen died and was buried.

They had 1 child:

Hendrik Jan died at the age of 62 on May 31, 1895 in Vorden.


Aaltjen/Kempkes Lusink, daughter of Jan Kempken and Aalberdina/Lusink Luesink, was born on January 4, 1809 in Ruurlo. Aaltjen/Kempkes died and was buried.


Garritjen Kempken, daughter of Jan Kempken and Aalberdina/Lusink Luesink, was born on August 27, 1815 in Wildenborch. She got married on May 2, 1845 in Lochem with Johan Hofstee. Garritjen died at the age of 55 on January 24, 1871 in Lochem.


Dina Kempken, daughter of Jan Kempken and Aalberdina/Lusink Luesink, was born on April 21, 1829 in Vorden. Dina died at the age of 23 on June 11, 1852 in Lochem.


Jan Luesink, son of Evert Luesink and Hendrika Stokkink, was born on December 16, 1800 in Ruurlo and was baptized on December 21, 1800 in Ruurlo. He is metselaar by profession. He got married on May 28, 1830 in Meppel with Trijntje Bos, daughter of Jan Dirks Bos and Jentjen Alberts. She was born 1781 in Meppel. Trijntje died on November 19, 1861 in Meppel. Jan died at the age of 65 on December 4, 1866 in Meppel.


Maria Luesink, daughter of Evert Luesink and Hendrika Stokkink, was born on July 20, 1802 in Ruurlo and was baptized on July 25, 1802 in Ruurlo. Maria died at the age of 21 on August 2, 1823 in Ruurlo.


Garrit Hendrik Luesink, son of Evert Luesink and Fenneken Roeterdink, was born on April 24, 1807 in Ruurlo and was baptized on May 3, 1807 in Ruurlo. He is by profession. He got married on February 17, 1838 in Ruurlo with He got married with Willemina Esselenbroek, daughter of Garrit Jan Esselenbroek and Garritjen Everwennink. She was born on October 21, 1806 in Ruurlo. Willemina died at the age of 64 on April 25, 1871 in Ruurlo.

They had 3 children:

Garrit Hendrik died at the age of 84 on April 6, 1892 in Ruurlo.


Hendrik Jan Luesink, son of Evert Luesink and Fenneken Roeterdink, was born on December 21, 1808 in Ruurlo and was baptized on December 26, 1808 in Ruurlo. Hendrik Jan died at the age of 86 on July 29, 1895 in Ruurlo.


Derk Luesink, son of Evert Luesink and Fenneken Roeterdink, was born on September 16, 1810 in Ruurlo and was baptized on September 23, 1810 in Ruurlo. He is metselaar by profession. He got married on June 22, 1833 in Ruurlo with Maria Stokkink, daughter of Reind Stokkink and Berendina Johanna Stokkink. She was born on December 9, 1812 in Ruurlo. Maria died at the age of 66 on February 23, 1879 in Ruurlo.

They had 2 children:

Derk died at the age of 27 on May 5, 1838 in Ruurlo.


Garrit Jan/Lusink Luesink, son of Evert Luesink and Fenneken Roeterdink, was born on November 29, 1812 in Ruurlo. He is metselaar by profession. He got married on May 1, 1839 in Ruurlo with Frederika Deurnink, daughter of Jan Deurnink and Janna Garvelink. She was born on December 28, 1809 in Vorden. Frederika died at the age of 75 on October 12, 1885 in Ruurlo.

They had 7 children:

Garrit Jan/Lusink died at the age of 89 on February 24, 1902 in Ruurlo.


Everdina Lusink, daughter of Evert Luesink and Fenneken Roeterdink, was born on December 26, 1814 in Ruurlo. Everdina died at the age of 15 on December 28, 1829 in Ruurlo.


Kaatjen Lusink, daughter of Evert Luesink and Fenneken Roeterdink, was born on August 12, 1817 in Ruurlo and was baptized . She got married on February 13, 1851 in Ruurlo with Hendrik Lievestro, son of Derk Lievestro and Aaltjen Haverkamp. He was born on January 21, 1819 in Ruurlo. He is landbouwer by profession. Hendrik died at the age of 81 on May 21, 1900 in Ruurlo.

They had 2 children:

Kaatjen died at the age of 75 on September 18, 1892 in Ruurlo.


Maria Stokkink, daughter of Garrit Jan Stokkink and Maria Luesink, was born on June 22, 1801 in Ruurlo and was baptized on June 28, 1801 in Ruurlo. Maria died and was buried.


Jan Stokkink, son of Garrit Jan Stokkink and Maria Luesink, was born on July 8, 1804 in Ruurlo and was baptized on July 15, 1804 in Ruurlo. He is oppasser stoeterij / stalknecht by profession. He got married (1) on October 12, 1832 in Borculo with Henders Kreunen, daughter of Hendrik Kreunen and Garritje Hagens. She was born on December 14, 1806 in Borculo. She is dienstmeid by profession. Henders died at the age of 28 on November 6, 1835 in Borculo. He got married (2) on July 25, 1840 in Borculo with Derksken Witzand, daughter of Jan Witzand and Everdina te Slaa. She was born on October 15, 1809 in Borculo. She is arbeidster by profession. Derksken died 1887. Jan died at the age of 79 on May 2, 1884 in Groenlo.


Stientjen Stokkink, daughter of Garrit Jan Stokkink and Maria Luesink, was born on May 26, 1808 in Ruurlo and was baptized on May 29, 1808 in Ruurlo. Stientjen died on June 15, 1808 in Ruurlo.


Stiena Stokkink, daughter of Garrit Jan Stokkink and Maria Luesink, was born on November 21, 1809 in Ruurlo and was baptized on December 3, 1809 in Ruurlo. Stiena died and was buried.


Gerritjen Stokkink, daughter of Garrit Jan Stokkink and Maria Luesink, was born on March 24, 1813 in Ruurlo. Gerritjen died and was buried.


Derk Stokkink, son of Garrit Jan Stokkink and Maria Luesink, was born on January 27, 1819 in Ruurlo. He is dienstmeid and dienstknecht by profession. He got married on June 21, 1844 in Gorssel with Elsken Mentink, daughter of Berend Mentink and Jannitjen Hendriksen. She was born on June 3, 1826 in Gorssel. Elsken died at the age of 66 on January 16, 1893 in Ruurlo. Derk died at the age of 71 on September 21, 1890 in Ruurlo.


Berend Holdijk, son of Willem Holtdijk and Everdina Luesink, was born on December 30, 1820 in Borculo. He is landbouwer by profession. He got married on May 8, 1857 in Borculo with Harmina Forkink, daughter of Arend Forkink and Janna Kistemaker. She was born on November 25, 1830 in Borculo. Harmina died at the age of 71 on February 27, 1902 in Haarlo. Berend died at the age of 79 on March 11, 1900 in Borculo.

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