About the town » Beegden, Gemeente Maasgouw, Limburg, Netherlands

Beegden is a town in the Dutch province of Limburg. It is a part of the municipality of Maasgouw, and is located about 6 km west of Roermond. In 2001, Beegden had 1703 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.48 km², and contained 667 residences. Until 1991, Beegden was a separate municipality. During that year the town became part of the municipality of Heel en Panheel. In 2007 the municipality of Heel en Panheel, including Beegden, became part of the new municipality of Maasgouw. The town currently has about 1800 inhabitants. During the past few years tourism has developed in Beegden, the key attractions of the town are the church, the seventeenth century house Huis Nederhoven and the St. Lindert windmill. The last underwent a major restoration in 2000 and can be visited free of charge every Wednesday and Saturday.

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Gemeente Maasgouw
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Gemeente Maasgouw