About the town » Beek, Gemeente Beek, Limburg, Netherlands

Source: Wikipedia Information

Beek is a town and municipality in the southeastern Netherlands, in the province of Limburg. As of 2012, Beek has a population of about 16,400, of which about 8,800 live in the town of Beek. The municipality of Beek makes part of the region of South Limburg and lies between the city of Geleen in the north and Maastricht in the south, and lies furthermore southeast of interchange Kerensheide and the chemical industries of Chemelot. It has a slightly hilly landscape with altitudes differing between 70 and 120 meters above sea level, and has two small forests: Kelmonderbos between Beek and Kelmond, and Spaubekerbos near Spaubeek. The Keutelbeek flows through and has its source in the municipality of Beek.

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Gemeente Beek
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Euregionaal Historisch Centrum Sittard-Geleen

Please note, there are several place names with this name that appear in publications on Genealogy Online: