About the town » Cabauw, Gemeente Lopik, Utrecht, Netherlands

Cabauw is a village in the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is a part of the municipality of Lopik, and lies about 12 km southwest of IJsselstein. Cabauw consists of a small village centre, and a ribbon of farms along the Lopiker Wetering, between Zevender and Lopik. In 2008, the village centre of Cabauw had 310 inhabitants. The built-up area of the village was 0.05 km², and contained 123 residences. The statistical district Cabauw, covering the village centre and the farms along the canal, has a population of around 690. Cabauw used to be a separate municipality. In 1857, it became a part of the municipality of Willige Langerak, which in its turn was merged into Lopik in 1943.

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Gemeente Lopik
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This place belongs to the working area of the Regionaal Historisch Centrum Rijnstreek en Lopikerwaard